FIN 82

Brännbacka HarrySSÄ

Last raced Tuesday, September 26, 2023


51 races on 8 days  Average place: 2.6  Raced against 229 others and beat 145 others (63.3%)


94 races on 13 days  Average place: 2.5  Raced against 515 others and beat 373 others (72.4%)


52 races on 10 days  Average place: 3.0  Raced against 347 others and beat 244 others (70.3%)


93 races on 17 days  Average place: 2.8  Raced against 766 others and beat 597 others (77.9%)


117 races on 22 days  Average place: 2.2  Raced against 613 others and beat 470 others (76.7%)

Statistics may not include all series.